Thanks for checking out Turkey My Mayonnaise!
This game was created on a family camping trip and refined over several years to become what we have now. We had a lot of fun coming up with this game and we're hoping you have a lot of fun while playing it. If you ever have any questions or comments, feel free to drop us a line. Simply e-mail us at sales@turkeymymayo.com and we'll be happy to help you out!

Since TMM's conception about 8 years ago, word has spread about how much fun this card game is! But don't take our word for it... (admittedly, we're a little biased!) Simply check out our awesome reviews and see for yourself what our fans are talking about. Then join in! We want to hear what you think about Turkey My Mayonnaise!

THE 'INGREDIENT HOARDER' - Do you hold onto every ingredient you get, just in case the perfect recipe comes along? This person keeps every card just for that moment. Meat, cheese, veggie or sauce? No problems here. While everyone else is frantically waiting for that coveted ingredient card to turn up, you're sitting pretty in all your hoarding glory.
THE 'OPTIMIST' - You know you're going to win and there's no other way to look at it. By keeping a few options open at all times, you know you'll out-maneuver your opponents without breaking a sweat. Sandwich Hall of Fame, here you come!
THE 'COME-FROM-BEHIND-PENALIZER' - You ruin sandwiches as well as Shaq plays hoops. When your cocky opponent thinks he has his recipe made, you relish in slapping that hairball down or bringing out the health inspector at the last minute. Oh, they never expect it which makes it so, so sweet. Haters gonna hate.
THE 'DECOY STRATEGIST' - You make everyone think you suck at cards. Never scoring points, staying out of the limelight, you reign supreme at being unnoticed. Then, when it matters most, you suddenly appear with an amazing recipe shaming your opponents and coming out on top. Wallflowers never had it so good!
CURSED SINGLE-INGREDIENT CONNOISSEUR' - If this game were played with only cheese, you would be king. Or meat. Or sauce. Or veggies. Whatever ingredient you need, you don't have. But you sure have an abundance of everything else you don't need. Is trading legal? Well, you sure wish it was.
THE 'MILE-LONG-SANDWICH MASTER' - Never mind that the penalties and bonuses on your recipe cancel each other out. Or that you keep adding ingredients to make up for that lame 2-pointer. You recipe will stay out the whole game, continuously getting longer and longer until it's the butt of everyone's jokes. But you will complete it, if it kills you...
THE 'OVER-ZEALOUS RECIPE KING' - You believe power is measured by having the maximum recipes out and ready. One recipe not working out so well? No matter. You have two others at your disposal and more in your hand. Flexibility is your kingdom and you never get penned into just one recipe...that is so beneath you.

What's a little friendly competition in action? We love seeing people enjoy playing Turkey My Mayonnaise. Release your inner sandwich shop rock star and send us your photos of friends or family playing the game. Who knows, if your photo is complete awesomeness, it may end up on our website with props to you. Start snapping those photos!